Create a class Employee with following constraints in mind;
_ Declare two data members named firstName and lastName of string
_ Implement a parameterized
constructor, which will take firstName and lastName of an employee and initialized
the respective data members.
_ Implement a print function
that displays the complete name (firstName lastName) of an Employee.
Test the working of your created Employee class with the help of a
main program.
Create a class HourlyWorker
which inherits from Employee class publically with following constraints in
_ Declare two data members named wage and hours of double type
with private access.
_ Implement a parameterized
constructor, which initializes all the data members of HourlyWorker class.
_ Implement a getPay function
that calculate and return the salary (hours * wage) of particular
HourlyWorker employee.
_ Implement a print function
that displays the complete name and salary of a particular employee.
the working of your created HourlyWorker class with the help of a main program.
Task 02
Implement the following class
hierarchy, the inheritance access level should be protected for Reptile, Bird
Mammal on the other hand it should be private for Snake, Parrot
and Horse classes.
Add a protected data member named id of integer type to Animal
Add get/set methods for id data member in Animal class with public
Add a default constructor to
each of the above created class. The constructor should initialize the id data
member of Animal, Reptile, Bird and Mammal, to 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively also
it display a message “(class Name)’s default constructor”.
Add a parameterized
constructor to each of the above created class. The constructor should
initialize the id data member of Animal, Reptile, Bird and Mammal, to the
specified id passed to the constructor also it display a message “(class
Name)’s default constructor”. The parameterized constructor should
call its base class parameterized constructor to initialize any data member
inherited from the base class.
Add a destructor to each of
the above created class. The destructor should display a message “(class
Name)’s default destructor”.
Add a getFamily method to
Snake, Parrot and Horse classes, this method must return the id of a particular
animal’s family where it belongs to.
Add a tellAboutSelf method to
Animal class with public access. The method displays the name of each objects class
where it belongs to.
Override the tellAboutSelf in
all the sub-leaving classes of Animal with the same functionality as in Animal
Add a speak method to Animal
class and override it in each of the sub-leaving classes. The Animal, Reptile,
Bird, Mammal, Snake, Parrot and Horse can speak by printing a message “I
am Animal, I cant speak…”, “Family of Reptiles…”
“Family of Birds…”, “Family of Mammals…”, “Shhh….”, “Trrrr….” and “Hurrrrr…” respectively.
Write down your main method
and instantiate object of each class created above, call tellAboutSelf, speak
and getFamily methods for each of the created object. Note the mechanism in which constructors and destructors are
where is the source code of this task