Computer Programing

Q1: What are different types of variable?

               A predefined word which have a specific meaning in compiler. These are types of variable.
1. Integer:
               It used to store integer value. Keyword use for integer is 'int'. It requires 4 bytes of memory.
2. Character:
               It used to storing characters. Keyword use for character is 'char'. It requires 1 byte of memory space.
3. Boolean:
               It used for storing logical values. It stores either true or false. Keyword use for Boolean is 'bool'.
4. Floating:
               It used for storing decimal value. Keyword used for floating point is 'float'. It requires 4 byte of memory space. 
5. Double:
               It used for storing double precision floating point values. Keyword used for double floating point is 'double'. It requires 8 byte of memory space.

Q2: What are relation, arithmetic, & logical operators?


        Relational operators:
               The relational operators are used to test a relation between two expressions.
1. Greater then                       > 
2. Greater than or equal to     >=
3. Less then                           <                                              
4. Less then or equal             <=
5. Equal to                             ==
6. Not equal to                        !
        Arithmetic Operators:
1. Addition +                   
2. Subtracts -     
3. Multiplies *       
4. Divide  \   
5. Modulus %
        Logical operators:
1. AND (&&):
               When "And" is used it give answer is true only when both conditions is true. If one is false then it gives answer false.

2. OR (| |): 
               When "Or" is used it give answer is false only when both conditions is false. If anyone is true it give answer is true.
3. NOT (!):
              When "Not" is used it reverse its answer. If answer is false it changes in true. If answer is true it changes in false.

Q3: What is precedence of arithmetic operations?


              Precedence of arithmetic operations in c++ is same as in mathematics.
Bracket   ( )
Division   /
Modulus  %
Multiply  *
Addition  +
Subtract   -

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